The show is about All things Boomer: What a Boomer is, Being a Boomer, Boomer perspective, Boomer tastes, Boomer accomplishments, Boomer Entertainment; Boomer Advice in order to deal with the challenge of how you and your views and background fit into the world today and how to move forward without feeling old with nothing to contribute in your "Golden Years". Everything that would and could interest a Boomer. It's about wearing that label with pride; even though some may use it pejoratively.
069 Walk Down Memory Ln. 1950's TV - Pt. 1
Pete Moss
Episode 69
Remember "Leave it to Beaver¨? How about ¨Perry Mason¨? Why TV? Because Boomers are the first generation to grow up having television. We all have memories of our favorite TV shows and characters and catch phrases and I cover the high points in this episode. There was so much nostalgia there that I couldn’t cover it in one episode.